Worldwork 2008 Masthead

Participant’s reflections from Worldwork 2008 in London

linked files are PDF format

Gerasimos Spyridopoulos, Babis Kuyurukis, Christina Tsimoudi,  Seval Osmanoglou, Ayşe Kiracı, Anni Vasileiou
Youth Workers in “Creative Youth Workshop” Project from Greece
Everything that we experienced there was very strong, all the issues we processed so important, that in the journey back – trying to assimilate all that we had experienced - I realized that I had really changed.  What I enjoyed most were the relationships that evolved between us…. read more

Will Hall
Portland, Oregon
Worldwork brought black and white South Africans together to share an intimate and powerful glimpse of the ongoing conflict there.  That glimpse feels to me like a great gift, because of how strongly it has rekindled my sense of hope and possibility.  It reawakens with me, after so many years, the absolute certainty I had as a teenager activist: The certainty that it is worth believing in humanity’s uncanny ability to always find dignity and a way forward… read more

Lynn Lobo
Adelaide, Australia
Us Aussies also had some time in the centre for a process.  We sat with many felt emotions while listening to the rage, strength and generosity of our Aboriginal friends.  We had a meeting after the process at Worldwork and have kept an online discussion group going.  The discussion is still active as we process issues around racism, shame, paralysis and begin to approach the concept of ‘Reconciliation’ and what that means for people with different cultural backgrounds.  Recently we were able to deepen this process by considering different communication and learning styles...   read more

Margerite Theofil
Mombay, India
During my time at Worldwork 2008 in London, knowing that our theme was Dorways to Diversity: Seeking a Home in The World, I was deeply aware we were in a London that is FULL of people of all races and cultures; I was also aware that there were British citizens, for whom this had always been 'home' who felt threatened and sidelined by all this ‘foreignness’.
I wondered about how I, in the conference, found it so easy to talk with ‘strangers’ within the setting of Worldwork, and yet felt how different this was as I stepped outside the venue – when I was much more aware of personal space & boundaries, and the stereotype we in India carry of ‘cold, unfriendly Britishers’ … and this gave a push to what can be called my ‘Strawberry Process’!   read more

Akila Richards
United Kingdom
Attending, being and participating was a life changing experience for me.  Witnessing the emotions, dialogues and group dynamic I was deeply stirred, upset, engaged, emotional, rational, whatever else. It was not an easy experience in that it unearthed long held personal emotions about family, identity and my place and purpose in this world.  read more

To read more particiapnt's reflections.

To go to agenda (pdf)


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